A Knight of Passion Page 4
The damnable man was unmoved.
“I can remain here as long as you desire.”
A brow rose. “At my word, you would never leave here—and her spies would be no more.”
Riana’s pulse jumped. Coming from another man she wouldn’t have believed it. But this man might very well wield the power he boasted. Pray God he did.
“She need never know, then?” Riana stepped towards the desk. “You have that power?”
“I rule hell.”
So she would be forced to fuck the devil after all. Though by the looks of him, his breath wouldn’t be as foul as that of the monster who had grabbed her. Or would he share her with those animals, as the duchess predicted? Mayhap he was like her, and preferred to watch?
Gaze locked with his, Riana inched the sleeves of her dress down her arms and allowed the dress to fall to the floor beside the cloak.
Chapter Seven
Bryant propped an elbow on the mantel in the great hall and leaned towards the fire crackling in the hearth as he nodded to the young warrior he was speaking with. The postern door opened and Sir Dunbar entered. He swept the room with his gaze until he met Bryant’s, and he crossed to where they stood.
“Leave us,” he commanded the young man. With a nod to Bryant, the warrior left. Dunbar remained quiet until they were alone, then said, “Your little bird has flown the coop.”
Bryant straightened from the mantel. “What?”
“Easy.” Sir Dunbar gave an almost imperceptible nod in the direction of the duchess, who sat beside Lady Siusan Ellis at the table. “Her Grace is a very observant woman.”
“What has happened?” Bryant demanded.
“The stable boy told me Lady Ellis left an hour ago.”
“That was before dawn. Did he say where she went?”
Dunbar shook his head. “Nay, but Klenmarnoch is just an hour’s ride north.”
Comprehension hit like ice water. “By God,” Bryant cursed. “It is. The little fool has gone to the gaol to beg for Glen’s release.”
Everyone knew of the duchess’ prison. Arundel Castle where the duke and duchess lodged was the largest castle within two days’ ride. The duchess’ ancestral home, Klenmarnoch, lay on the edge of the village of Geary where, ten years ago, they had established a prison. Thirty-seven cells wound throughout the maze of corridors and stairs of the four-storey castle. Riana could enter the prison and never be heard from again.
“She cannot hope to succeed,” he said through tight lips.
“Beautiful women often succeed where men cannot,” Dunbar said.
“But at what price?”
Bryant envisioned the picture the duchess had painted of Riana’s tender body shackled to a stone wall while the gaol master fucked her until she was too sore to stand. Fury and fear rammed through his veins.
“You are not taken with the lass, by chance?” Dunbar asked.
Bryant recalled the exquisite torture of her arse tightening around his cock as he had eased into her and the way she impaled herself on the phallus as he thrust inside, and felt himself grow hard.
“You knew what she was when you hatched this scheme,” Dunbar said. “You did not expect her to change?”
“I did not expect her to feel the need to fuck another man.”
The older knight laughed. “Then you do not know women.”
Sir Bryant scowled and set the goblet on the mantel.
“You are going after her?” Dunbar asked.
He sighed. “Then let us be done with it.”
“You need not risk your neck.”
“If you wed the wench, my neck is at risk.”
“I can stand on my own,” Bryant said.
Dunbar snorted. “The duke would crush you, then the duchess would have your liver for breakfast.”
If what Riana had said to the duchess was true, Bryant would have the duke’s liver for breakfast.
* * * *
Riana slowly walked around the desk, careful to emphasise the sway of her hips. She stopped in front of the warden and knelt. Cold seeped from the stone through her knees clear to the bone, a strange contrast to the warm fire that bathed the right side of her body. She laid a hand over his groin. The firm cock hidden by his tunic pulsed beneath her fingers, and relief flooded through her.
She looked up at him. “You have the power to do with me what you will, but is a willing slave not more desirable than an unwilling slave?”
She lifted the tunic out of the way, bent her head, and, with her teeth, grazed the mushroom tip of the hard length bulging against the thin fabric of his hose. He groaned, and she slowly sucked along the side before straightening.
He released a slow breath and reached forward. She sat motionless, startled as he smoothed back a lock of hair that had fallen forward across her cheek. His thumb traced a gentle line across her cheek, then he dropped his hand onto his thigh and relaxed back into the chair.
“My life will be forfeit if I release your father,” he said.
“You said no one would know I had been here, if you so chose,” Riana persisted. “Could Glen not be killed in a fight? Surely the duchess would accept your word?”
She scooted closer and flattened her palms on his muscled thighs, while strategically allowing her breasts to brush his rod.
His eyes darkened. “How can you be certain I will not take what you offer, then send you on your way without payment?”
“I cannot.” Eyes locked with his, she rubbed her nipples against his rod. “But if you do not release him, I will not return.”
The warden studied her. “You are willing to submit as often as I please?”
“As often as you desire.”
“A fine arrangement,” he replied. “But once I free your father, you have no reason to keep your word.”
“Not so, my lord.” Little did he know she might find herself in this prison. Mayhap he would show some mercy if she dealt straight with him now.
Riana grasped the waistband of his hose and pulled it down. His cock sprang free, pointed directly at her as if in command to suck the hard length into her mouth. She could smell his scent, male musk, ripe for a woman’s tongue. His gaze sharpened as she swung a leg over his, then began to rub against his hose-covered flesh.
“If I renege,” she said, “you can have your revenge in any number of ways.” Still rubbing against him, she leaned against his leg and lowered her mouth towards his cock. “One word from you and the duchess will know I was here.”
Riana circled the weeping crown with her tongue. The clean tang of his pre-cum burst across her tongue and she wanted to weep for relief that this man wasn’t the vile creature she’d feared she would have to give herself to. She took the tip into her mouth and sucked his rod deep inside. He thrust into her. She grasped him at the root and began an in–and-out rhythm.
He groaned and tunnelled long fingers into her hair. She continued the rhythm, slow, sure, and sucking hard. His thigh shifted beneath her cunt and she realised she’d stopped moving on him. Riana slowly slid her moist folds along his leg, careful not to lose the rhythm of her mouth on his cock. He thrust along her tongue until her palm edge met her mouth. He seized her shoulders and yanked her up.
Before she realised his intent, he had hauled her onto his desk. Her legs hung off the edge and he eased her back onto the desktop. He spread her legs and stepped between her thighs. When his mouth closed around a pebbled nipple, he shifted and slid his shaft along her wet folds and into her curls. Riana recalled Sir Bryant, the feel of his cock buried deep in her channel…then her arse.
Feather-light fingers made contact with her ribs, and swirled in slow circles. The soft swirls moved downwards into the curve of her waist, across her belly button, the barest ruffle across her curls until he slipped a long finger inside her. She arched into the sure, long strokes. Her channel walls tightened.
For so long she had only pretended pleasure. Sir Brya
nt roused more, whispered a voice. The man whose fingers fucked her cunt was almost as large as the knight. Could he rouse passion in her? Might this task be pleasant? She closed her eyes, but instead of the warden, she saw Sir Bryant’s emerald green eyes, dark with passion as they had been only a few hours ago. The warden thrust his finger deeper inside her.
Had those hours with the knight been a taste of what could have been, God's punishment for not being strong enough to resist the duchess’ threats? When faced with one’s sister being defiled by the Duke of Arundel, blind faith had a sting the priests failed to mention.
The warden inserted a second finger inside her and quickened the thrusts while sucking harder on her nipple. Riana gasped. He shifted his mouth to the other nipple. She moaned, reaching deep for the pleasure that had come so easily with Sir Bryant. She became aware of the warden’s shaft, hard, insistent, rubbing against her mound.
Riana reached down and brushed her fingertips across the velvety tip. He groaned and grasped the hand touching him. His fingers closed over hers as he wrapped them around his warm shaft and thrust into them. He broke off from her nipple and covered her mouth with his. Riana twined her free arm around his neck, drew him close until his chest pressed her breasts flat beneath the steely muscle.
He flicked his tongue against her mouth and she opened for him. He plunged inside and their tongues twirled, his thrusts in time with his fingers inside her. She sucked his tongue hard and stretched his cock tight with the downward motion of her hand around him. He groaned, working his fingers faster, harder. She worked him faster, harder.
Who was this man? Her heart squeezed and shame washed over her. She didn’t even know his name. He thrust into her palm, his rod hard and thick. The rhythm of his fingers faltered and his body spasmed with pleasure. His seed filled her hand. His hand covered hers and squeezed his cock harder. He froze for an instant, then relaxed. He didn’t move for a long moment. When he released her hand, he gently wiped her fingers clean on his tunic, then braced himself over her, and stared.
“Perhaps you are worth risking the hangman’s noose.”
“Sir!” a man shouted on the other side of the doorway.
The warden’s head snapped in the direction of the door.
“Out of my way, fool,” came another male voice.
Riana bolted into a sitting position. “Sir Bryant.”
Chapter Eight
Bryant took in the sight of Riana sitting naked on the desk, her shocked expression as she stared at him over her shoulder—and the man who stood between her thighs. Fury raced through him like a bed of red hot coals. He reached for his sword and started forward. Strong fingers clamped down on his shoulder and pulled him back.
Sir Dunbar stepped up beside him and whispered, “He could not know.”
Blood pounded thunderously through Bryant’s head, but he forced his fingers to relax on the sword hilt.
He locked his gaze with the warden’s. “Take your hands off my betrothed.”
Shock flashed in the man’s eyes in unison with Riana’s gasp. His gaze snapped to her, and doubt flickered across his face. Bryant took three steps to where her clothes lay on the floor, scooped up the dress, and tossed it onto the desk.
“Clothe yourself.”
The warden stepped back and Bryant was surprised to see his cock wasn’t hanging from his hose. Had he arrived before it was too late?
Too late? What was too late? Even if the man had fucked her, Bryant would bathe every inch of her, then kiss her, touch her, suck her, until she understood that anything she’d experienced with this stranger couldn’t compare to what he could do for her. Bryant shifted his gaze to her to find her staring at him. She hadn’t budged.
“Clothe yourself,” he ordered again.
Her eyes narrowed. “I have no need of another master.”
“Mayhap you should do as your future husband suggests,” the man said.
Her head jerked back in his direction, then she looked back at Bryant. “I have business here, sir.”
“I am well aware of your business,” he replied.
Her eyes widened and she jumped to her feet and faced him, marbled nipples jutting from her swollen breasts. Lust shot through Bryant.
“By God,” Dunbar burst out. “I see the attraction.”
“Did the duchess send you?” Riana demanded, heedless of her nakedness.
Bryant grabbed her cloak from the floor as she hurried around the desk towards him. Dunbar sucked in a breath. Bryant cast him a recriminating look and stepped towards her, swinging the cloak around her shoulders.
She stared up at him, eyes wide. “Is my sister well?”
Bryant paused in tying the string and his heart tightened at the fear in her eyes. “She is well, Lady, and, no, Her Grace did not send us.”
Riana frowned. “Then why are you here?”
“I came to fetch you.” Bryant grasped her wrist and started towards the door.
“Lad,” Dunbar said.
Bryant halted.
“You are likely to start a riot with her dressed like that.”
Bryant cursed, then crossed to the desk and grabbed the dress. The warden met his gaze and there was no mistaking the amusement in the man’s expression. Bryant strode back to Riana and started to pull the cloak off her, then paused and cast a warning look at the warden. He faced the hearth, back to them, and Bryant loosened the tie on her cloak.
She grasped his fingers. “What are you doing here?”
“Saving you from yourself.”
Her brow furrowed. “What?”
“Have you any notion what the duchess will do once she learns you have been here?”
She glanced at the warden, then looked back at him. Her gaze flicked to her hand, still gripping his, and she released him. “I am aware of what Her Grace is capable of. But that is none of your concern, just as this is none of your concern.”
Despite the succinct words, Bryant didn’t miss the tremor in her voice. He started to push the cloak from her shoulders, then remembered Sir Dunbar and swung his gaze to the older knight. Dunbar raised his brow, clearly hoping to enjoy the view, but Bryant didn’t break his stare. Dunbar sighed and crossed to where the warden still stood, and faced the hearth.
Bryant parted the cloak. Pebbled nipples were now only inches from him. His cock jerked in reaction and poker-hot anger flared with the realisation that those rosy areolae had been worked to hard peaks by another man. He couldn’t prevent his gaze from dropping to her curls. Had the warden filled her with his seed? Blood pounded through Bryant’s veins and he cursed at the feel of his cock thickening. Only hours had passed since his shaft had been sheathed in her velvet glove, yet the sight of her cunt glistening with another man’s cum made him want to shove her against the wall and fuck her until she cried out his name.
He lifted his gaze to find her staring, eyes dark with indignation. He snapped the cloak from her shoulders. Her chin jerked upwards in defiance. Lust tightened his balls. He wanted—needed—to touch that fire again, soon. He tossed the cloak over his shoulder and started to fit the dress over her head.
She shoved aside his hand. “What are you doing?”
“Dressing you.”
Her eyes narrowed. “What are you doing here?”
“You wish to discuss this with an audience?”
She gave a hard laugh. “‘Tis far too late to care. I have important business, which you are interfering with.”
“Aye.” He swept a meaningful glance down her body.
Her brow scrunched in an incredulous expression. “You think to shame me?”
Bryant ignored the low laughter that emanated from the two other men and jammed the dress down over her head. “I think you would do well to obey me.”
He grasped her arm and shoved it into a sleeve. She twisted free. His control snapped, and he drove her back against the wall. Her soft contours gave way beneath his muscle. He gritted his teeth against the hardening of his shaft, but couldn�
�t stop his gaze from falling to her full breasts, crushed beneath him. Damn the gambeson he wore. If not for the wool-filled armour, he would be able to feel her nipples hard against his chest. He lifted his gaze. She stared through narrowed eyes devoid of fear, and ground her hips against his shaft. He sucked in a breath.
“Is that what you want, my lord?” Her voice dripped with scorn.
His fingers tightened convulsively on her shoulders. “I do not deny it. What man would?” Bryant motioned with his head to the warden. “Did he deny it?”
Bryant slipped a hand between them and cupped her breast. The firm weight filled his palm. “Did he do this to you?” Bryant kneaded the soft flesh, grazing the tip with his palm.
Her mouth parted in a tiny gasp. He leaned in to her, gently undulating his hard length against her mound and trailed a moist kiss from the swell of her breasts to her ear.
“Did he make you feel like this?” Bryant angled his rod so that the tip rubbed her sex. “Did he take his time with you as I did…as I will again?” Bryant covered her mouth with his.
He flicked his tongue against her lips and she opened. He swept inside, tasting, learning the feel of her, then sucked her tongue into his mouth, with the silent demand she learn the feel of him. He reached between them and slipped a finger into her folds. Slick heat coated his finger.
He broke the kiss, breathing hard. “You are so wet.”
Her cheeks coloured, and his cock jumped. By God, the wench wasn’t as jaded as she would have him believe. There were things still that he could teach her, things that would take them deep into the night and past dawn.
He removed his finger and brought it to his nostrils. Eyes closed, he inhaled deeply, then opened his eyes and locked gazes with her as he inserted the finger into his mouth and slid the digit past his lips. The tang of her sweet juices coated his tongue and he swallowed. Satisfaction shot through him when the colour in her cheeks deepened.
He straightened and slipped her left arm into a sleeve, then the right arm. She let him tug the dress down over her head, then grasped the skirt and shimmied it past her breasts. Desire sent his heart into an erratic beat. If he didn’t take her away from here, he wouldn’t be able to keep himself from fucking her while Dunbar and the warden looked on. The hem fell past her hips, then lower to drop over her feet.